#Be(e) yourself
Warum wir Bienen unterstützen
The headline certainly suggests what this article will be about: The support of bees. But perhaps we need to start at the beginning here. Just to also explain how we came up with the topic of bees.
From elephant to mosquito
In fact, the idea of contributing to a charitable project with a regular donation had been floating around in our team’s heads for some time. As it suggests, we immediately came to the aspect of ‘sustainability’ and here the first thing that came to mind was ‘planting trees’.
So we kept this thought in the back of our minds and continued with our daily work. During the design process of our new serum packaging, which was designed uniformly for all serums in order to save packaging material, we accidentally noticed a little thing: The rhombus placed there, as a frame for the title of the serum, looked like a honeycomb.

From the bee into the jar
In the end, this can be seen as the starting point of our euphoria for the subject of bees. The great thing about it: it also fit like a glove on our high-quality serums. Why? As you might guess, our serums contain natural ingredients like carrier oils and essential oils. Their extraction is from raw ingredients, in the pollination of which, of course, our bee friends play a major role. Take, for example, our Serum A, which contains chamomile oil and rosemary oil. Or the serum O, which contains lavender oil. And this is really only a small sample of the raw materials contained here, pollinated by bees.
From this point on it was clear for us: We want to support our bee friends! Not only that these are important for our natural ingredients. They also fulfill an important role for our flora & fauna and are crucial for our ecosystem. We were therefore only missing one project to which we could make our donation. After brief consideration and research, our choice fell on the Bienenretter, who not only do educational work with their project, but also support and promote their own actions.

From pen to mascot
So from the idea to the support partner, we had collected everything to date. What was still missing for us was a small identification figure: Charlie Tropa was brought to life. Our Cosmetic Tratz educational representative for bee support. Here we created its name as a short form from the botanical term of nasturtium (Tropaeolum). Also because this one reminds a bit of tropical forests and they are worth protecting, as well as bees like Charlie.
You as a valuable supporter
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Wir sind Bienenpate
Gemeinsam mit dir und unseren Cosmetic Tratz Kund:innen sind wir Bienenpate bei den Bienenrettern. Bei Charlie kannst du dir mehr Infos zu dem Projekt und der Patenschaft einholen.